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Tuesday Morning Awards

Everybody who worked on today–Tuesday morning–come up here on stage with me! Keith, our mail carrier, (pointing), I know you’re out there, get up here! (applause). Because today wouldn’t have been the same without all of you.

First, I want to thank my husband for sleeping on the sofa last night. Our daughter needed to crash in bed with me since her room was stinky with new paint. (Even low VOC, people!)

To my daughter, thanks for warming up the mattress for me between 8:30 pm when you went to sleep, and 11:30 pm, when I finally fell in.

Son, your mistaken lyrics to “Hello My Darlin'” (“Hello my honey, hello my lady, hello, my wrestlin’ gaaaaaaaal”) lit up my morning.

High heel black boots, thanks for making one footie and one knee high look so stylin’ (because you covered them up.) You always have my back!

Keith, you are a rock to us. You not only bring our mail in the ‘snow, rain, heat, and gloom of night,’ you also put up with the spiders and earwigs that party in our mailbox. Seriously, thanks.

To my breakfast team: eggs by chicken, buttermilk biscuits by the incomparable Camille Glenn, honey by bees and jam by berry farmers. Mmmm. Still licking my lips.

Teachers: I owe you a huge debt of gratitude for taking care of our kids today and every school day, for inspiring them and  lighting their way. And also for coming up with Tuesday dumpling day because I didn’t have jack squat to put in my son’s lunch box, especially since he can’t eat anything crunchy for 60 days per dentist’s orders because he hurt his two upper adult molars on a trampoline last week.

Finally, Whitney, so often in life, women put themselves last. Though you’re doing it right now, at least you’re consistent. Thank you for remembering to wear your mouth guard to Krav, even though you forgot to take it out of your bra when you went to bed in your exercise clothes. While gross on two counts, the sight of that silicone crescent under the silky strap this morning made you weirdly proud. Wrap up? Oh there’s the music, ok, yes, and of course thank you to my parents and family who always support me, and who always send my kids Halloween costumes and birthday presents, you’re the best! xoxox



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