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Are you a Coconut Girl? Do you know or love one? Watch and see.

Posted in Coconut Girl Videos, Music, Planet Newborn, Wack Art.

3 Responses

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  1. Antsmom says

    That was great.
    Baby #4 on the way, due in 8 weeks.
    Oldest is 6 years, youngest is 14 months, weaned a month ago because his sister is on the way.
    I have been wishing to be a coconut girl for far to long!

  2. Tasha says

    Is that you singing in the song? It’s beautiful.

  3. the Coconut Girl says

    Yes, it’s me singing. My husband’s on guiitar. Thanks for the kind words. We recorded the song hunched over a MacBook at the dining room table after we got the kids in bed.

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