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Dear February,

Uncle Uncle Uncle Uncle Uncle Uncle Uncle Uncle U   N   C   L   E  !!!!!!!

boiling toothbrushes

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  1. Carolyn says

    The young child of a friend of mine came running in from play, breathless and excited, exclaiming: “the world can never die ’cause it’s made of plastic!” Irony abounds – but meanwhile, our abundant plastic world bestows potential immortality (like some of the slimy, creepy crawlies of ’50’s sci-fi) to abundant germs, mold and bacteria – lurking! invading! thriving! right under our unsuspecting eyes – a Trojan Horse right in our toothbrush holder ! Our arsenal against these tiny “invaders from INNER space” (in lieu of ray guns and dive bombing fighter jets): a zap in a boiling caldron. heh heh.

  2. Tasha says

    Let’s give up.

    I was unaware that you can boil toothbrushes.

    I bought a toddler toothbrush for my upcoming surgery. It has Cookie Monster on it. Nothing like brushing your teeth with the world’s foremost baked goods fanatic.

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