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Sweeping FAIL

Like moths to a flame…

Posted in Coconut Girl Videos, Wack Art.

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3 Responses

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  1. Carolyn says

    Indeed, like moths to the flame!! If I had a dollar for every time I have, in my life of sweeping, exclaimed – “Watch out – don’t step in the PILE !” I’d be a rich lady by now. Oh, the sacred pile of the day’s detritus finally brushed into a tidy little circle, awaiting the dustpan. Then the bell at the starting gate gongs, and though I can’t hear that bell, everyone else in the house ( or yard, even) CAN: ” Pile’s READY ! GO !!” and they’re all off to the races – right across the pile. Goodbye tidy little circle.

  2. Ashley says


  3. Sarah says

    Oh my gosh. My dust piles always seem to have those outlet plugs in them too! I think they multiply after I go to sleep. Great video!

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