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Loo 2000

DSC_0072The latest installment of seeing my life through the eyes of my college art history professor. Please read in a pseudo-English accent.  And be sure to over-do the italicized foreign terms.

For others in the series, click here.

“Digging deep, the younger member of the artist group, “Duo,” (American, b. 2006), returns to his perennial source of inspiration—his atelier, la salle de bain. Rather than conjuring ethereal bubbles with his hands, he plunges his digits earthward into the triple-aught of the Lever 2000.  What was once a lever—a handle with which one accesses cleanliness—is now a receptacle of solid waste. Reaching for the sudsy bar, we discover a harbinger of hygiene’s foil: the loo. With auger-like fingertips, the artist drills a foreboding message. Cleanliness pivots towards filth, light towards darkness, hands towards derrieres. Does he eschew only western’s society’s germophobia? Certainly not. The careful pinpointing of the year 2000 references the internationally feared millennium bug. Not the binary bug lurking within our computers’ hard drives, but the menace of self-indulgence, obsession. The artist knows well of obsession, of what it means to be in the grips of an attraction he cannot tame. For he has the bug…to bug. Still, hope pools in the work’s tiny reservoirs. O’s and zeros–the same, yet different, eternally circling  through the portals of place and time…”

Posted in Art 101.

2 Responses

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  1. Ker says

    Your mind, and that of your ex-professor never cease to amaze me. So eloquently spoken, and hilarious.

  2. JPR says

    Tour de Force! Bravisimo! We wait with grande anticipacion as to what the maestro will do with a bottle of Soft Soap! Allez, Artiste! Allez!

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