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DSC_0017OK, my birthday is tomorrow (Wednesday), so I’m taking a minute to reflect on gratitude.  I’d like to thank the Universe (that my kids so beautifully rendered in legumes) for my full-to-the-brim life. Thank you for my family (giggling children running in their nichies in the back yard while husband chases them with hose). Thank you for the recent influx of architecture work (up late every night). Thank you for my health (lightening-pedicure on bathroom counter 4 minutes before departing for annual gyno exam). Thank you for the gift of a pool membership from the grandparents (something to do every afternoon; kids learning to swim.) Thank you for the receding of perfectionism (weird unaccompanied songs on thecoconutgirl). Thank you for ceiling fans, nice contractors, my macbook, cheesy dance moves, stolen spoonfuls of ice cream, and Vic Chestnutt’s song “Steve Willoughby.” And parenthesis. And the opening titles of “Napoleon Dynomite.” And most especially for my Mom and Dad for gettin’ me born.  pedicure-3_300napoleon_d_creditsmom w ash baby whit

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  1. Kerri says

    I am thankful to be reconnected with you if only through the glimpses that you show us here. I am thankful that at my age, I can be considered a Coconut “Girl”! And today I’m thankful that it’s not too hot to have my morning cup of tea. 🙂

  2. the Coconut Girl says

    You, too, Kerri. Thanks for reading and writing and rockin’ the 3 a.m. shift in support of humankind, girrrl.

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