For anybody out there who’s bringing home a new baby, putting a child on the bus, dealing with health challenges, changing jobs, moving to a new house or town, or is otherwise taking a leap of faith. We get by with a little help from our friends.
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At the risk of sounding mawkish and PollyAnn-ish, there are people, places and things that are capable of buoying our spirits, providing spiritual sustenance in the best of times and the worst of darkest times. In the “worst of times” we can so easily slip into a myopic state, pulling the edges of our world in on ourselves.
Be it a quiet fountain at Dupont Circle, a tiny note scribbled by our young child, saying, “I’m GLAD of you !”; a call from a friend who wants to bring over some tomatoes from their backyard garden’s bounty; afternoon sunlight that dances joyously on our living room wall,; the lovely, a birthday present from a son, a water worn stone that sits serenely in our garden; a housekeeper who gives us a friendly smile when she enters our hospital room every morning – ALL these are GIFTS that give beauty and WONDERMENT to our lives ! We simply have to look with SEEING eyes.
What a lovely thing to know this.