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More Shopping on The Coconut Girl Channel!

Is anyone hungrier than a new mom? Possibly a new dad. The Coconut Girl and Darcy Larsen return with innovative products for family meals. Only on the Coconut Girl Channel!

Missed the first shopping show? Here you go!

Thanks to Jennifer Hoyt Tidwell and Billy Hunt of Powhatan Studios.

Posted in Food, Planet Newborn, Wack Art.

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4 Responses

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  1. Jen Davis says

    Fabulous products ladies! I’ll take a dozen of each. Is the floss mint flavored??

  2. Jenna Vincent says

    Oh my gosh- I’m still laughing as I type this! Awesome!

  3. the Coconut Girl says

    Thanks, Jen and Jenna. Get yourselves the necklaces you deserve, and yes, the floss is mint!

  4. Ashley says

    ZOMG, these are absolutely perfect for busy families! All you need is beer hats (filled with milk for the toddlers, of course), and you are all set. You can’t put a price on the convenience these products provide, really. Thanks, Coconut Girl!

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