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Driving Miss Flip Flops: A 2-Minute Play

fancy flip flops (2)

(A.k.a., “Who’s Your Favorite?”)

Scene: A mother is driving her children to a doctor’s appointment. A 7 year-old girl and a 5 year-old boy sit in the back seat. The boy drinks soup from a thermos. The girl tilts her feet to the left and right, inspecting her shoes.

Daughter: Mommy, what kind of flip flops would you like?

Mother: I already have flip flops.

Daughter: But if you had to pick some other ones, what kind would you choose?

Mother: Probably some white ones with big orange flowers.

Daughter: Not those.

Mother: You asked.

Daughter: I mean, if you had to choose mine or Brother’s.

Mother: I’d pick mine. Yours and Brother’s are too small.

Daughter: But if you HAD to pick mine or his, which ones?

Mother: I’d pick one of each.

Daughter: You can’t.

Mother: I can.

Daughter: You have to pick a matching pair.

Mother (now laughing): Neither. I’d go barefoot.

Daughter (laughing, too):  There’s broken glass.

Mother: I’d wear my rain boots.

Daughter: Mom.

Mother: What?

Daughter: You’re not answering the question.

Mother: What’s the question?

Daughter: (pause) Can we get some ice cream?

Mother: We covered this already. Friday we’ll get ice cream.

Daughter: Then can I have those raisins?

Mother: Yes. Oh, and Honey, pass the other box to your brother.


Posted in General, Wack Art.

One Response

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  1. Carolyn says

    yeah, well, the most burning question is: “What does ‘Save the Gorge’ mean ?” Please answer this in NO MORE than 10 words bc the kids riding in the back of the car get distracted and BORED when you talk about building dams. flooding rare, nature preserves, and why ya jest shouldn’t do these short sighted things.

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