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Proof of Beauty and Kindness

Standing in line at the coffee shop this morning, I followed my tradition of glancing at the headlines.  On the cover of the New York Times was a terrible, terrible story that left me feeling ill all day. I didn’t let my children out of my sight for a second. Because the world felt so dangerous today, tonight I sought out actual, visual proof of the contrary. Going through my photos from the last year, I found what I was looking for: beauty and kindness. I share these images with anyone who needs a little faith in humankind.


comforting a friend

mother and child

buffet lunch





reading to you



Posted in General.

4 Responses

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  1. Carolyn says

    “In spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart. I simply can’t build up my hopes on a foundation consisting of confusion, misery and death.”
    – Anne Frank

  2. Kerry says

    My Dad told me after 911 that there are more good people than bad, and that in the end the good will always be more powerful. I believe he’s right, and it’s helped me a great deal through the years.

  3. Christine says

    Thank you for these warm and loving images. A very good salve for the heart, in the wake of such horrible headlines and news stories as the one you’re referring to. Hugs and comfort.

  4. the Coconut Girl says

    Thank you, Carolyn, Kerry, and Christine.

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