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The Bark and the Button

blue button

Before your hands need mittens,

Go and get some buttons.

Kneel down by a tree,

(So low, a child can see)

One nail will hold them in

Leave loose and they will spin.

Posted in Coconut Girl Videos, Wack Art.

2 Responses

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  1. Ashley says

    I absolutely love this! The joining and juxtaposition of the old, static, and earthy with the new, dynamic, and synthetic. LOVE!

  2. Carolyn says

    It is such a necessary spiritual sustenance, from time to time, to have a quiet moment with some thing that holds great meaning for us. Be that the curve of a banister on the staircase, the worn place on the arm of a rocking chair, a loose thread on a beloved teddy bear, the smooth surface of a water-tumbled stone from a great grandmother’s garden or a newly installed button – found secretly placed by loving hands of a mother – a button that is touchstone for a well-known rhyme ; ALL these quiet and significant things that inhabit and enlarge our lives, reminding us how alone we are NOT – just when we feared we were.

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