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Bouncy Seat Cocktail

Beverage service, Coconut Girl-style.

Thanks to the Mosquitoes for the tune.

Posted in Coconut Girl Videos, Planet Newborn, Wack Art.

2 Responses

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  1. Carolyn Morgan says

    MY “bouncy seat” excursions came when I sneaked a tiny escape to calm while sitting on the john (shhh – the children don’t know I’m off my feet) I could gaze out at the serene beauty of a beech tree (that I recently planted – intentionally in direct line of vision from the window vantage point next to the john). Ahhhhhhhhh – my 20 sec. walk in a beech forest somewhere down highway 64.

  2. Ashley says

    Yes, please. I’d love a bouncy seat cocktail… Or five.


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