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the Coconut Girl Home Security

People in town have been stressed out about a recent string of residential burglaries. Here’s a quick tutorial on how to improve your home security quickly and inexpensively.

Posted in Coconut Girl Videos, Wack Art.

3 Responses

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  1. Carolyn says

    Thanks for all the tips on foiling robberies in the ‘hood. ‘must be so that most break-ins are committed by straight GUYS bc MY answer to these sticky fingered dudes is to paint as much PINK as possible. Pink colored stuff = lower than low for these folks either to have or fence – yuck – pink ???? ‘WAY too girlie to bother lifting.

  2. Jenna Vincent says

    This is awesome, Whitney! I was laughing out loud the whole time. 🙂

  3. the Coconut Girl says

    Thanks, Jenna!

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